Tuesday, April 20, 2010
April 15th Class Discussion
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
April 13th Class Reflcetion
Monday, April 12, 2010
April 6th Class Discussion
Monday, April 5, 2010
April 1st Class Reflection
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
March 30th Class Reflection
Monday, March 29, 2010
March 16th Class Reflection
- Be consistent in the treatment of employees.
- Ensure due process in performance management
- Protect employees from harassment or humiliation
- Treat all employees with dignity and respect
- Threatening employees with harsher terms of employment or employment loss.
- Promising anything if they don't form a union
Chapter 16 Discussion Topics
Chapter 16 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
High Performance Work Systems is a combination of people, technology, and organizational structure to use all the resources available and achieve the goals (definition from the book). For this to be successful HRM can play a crucial role. They do this by properly designing Jobs, recruiting the right employees, focusing the training and development on high performance systems, and proper performance management. They can also help set-up the proper compensation to promote this.
Technology can also play a big role for HRM in setting up high performance work systems. There are 3 applications that are widely used:
1. Transaction Processing
2. Decision Support Systems
3. Expert Systems
Along with these applications the HRM can also use information systems such as an HR dashboard or other online options.
Emotional Hook
There are many conditions that contribute to high performance. The most important condition however is support by the whole company, especially the owners and management.
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
Teamwork and empowerment are a crucial part of a high performance team, however the teams must have the proper resources to accomplish what they need or they will not be effective.
Facilitative Questions
How is continuous learning used in developing high performance teams?
Why are ethics so important when implementing high performance work systems?
Monday, March 15, 2010
March 11th Class Reflection
Chapter 15 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
This chapter was all about the concepts we have learned all semester and how to apply them to the global marketplace. There are many issues that surround HRM when dealing with other countries and government. From laying off employees to compensation, there are many things that need to be considered. The factors that affect how to deal with international markets are:
· Culture
· Education
· Economic Systems
· Political-Legal Systems
The other part of the chapter talked about selecting the right people to go oversees to work for the company and how to pick the right people called expatriates. The following things should be considered; Motivation, Health, Language Ability, Family Considerations, Resourcefulness and Initiative, Adaptability, Career Planning, and Financial.
Emotional Hook
Companies need to look to internationally if they want to be able to continue to expand their company. However if they do not do it properly the opposite may happen and the company could make mistakes that could put them out of business.
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
Not only do you need to focus on training the employee for the move to another country but often their family also to make the transition.
Individualism, Uncertainty Avoidance, Masculinity, Power Distance, and Time Orientation are all things that affect the design of training design for other cultures.
Facilitative Questions
What is cross cultural preparation mean for an employee and how does a company go about doing this?
How are parent country, host country, and third country all related in reference to an organization?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
March 9th Class Reflection
- Participation in Decisions
- Communication fairness and paint a picture for your employees
- Get input from employees
- Social Security
- Unemployment Insurance
- Workers Compensation Insurance
- Family and Medical Leave- 12 weeks unpaid
Chapter 14 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
Labor unions are a way for employees to join together and create a group that gains power in numbers. Unions strive for fair pay and safe working conditions for all members of the union. Companies that use unions as their workforce usually pay more than ones that don’t but can also benefit from potentially more productivity and consistency. Labor unions are on the decline in the public sector and have been for a while, except in government work.
Emotional Hook
Labor Unions have had a bad reputation in some peoples mind because of the ties they used to have with the mob. Unions now are very organized and structured in the way they handle their relationship with companies.
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
Unions need to be approved by 50% or more of the employees for it to be considered. Unless they get 30% to 50% they can do a secret ballot. What do you think about this process?
Unions make it better for employees to voice their concerns and have support to be heard. How can employers do this even if they don’t use unions?
Facilitative Questions
Why are so many government employees in Unions?
What happens in collective bargaining? Who is involved in these discussion?
Monday, March 8, 2010
March 4th Class Reflection
- Measures are limited to the organizational goals
- Employee's believe they can meet performance standards
- Organization gives employee the resources they need to meet their goals
- Employee value the reward given
- Employee believe the reward system in fair
- Pay Plan takes into account that employees may ignore any goals that are not rewarded
Chapter 13 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
This chapter is all about employee benefit options, which are vast. Companies can offer nearly anything as a benefit but need to be conscious of the cost of all of the benefits that they offer. Companies must also communicate to their employees what the values of their benefits are so they are appreciated. There are certain benefits that all employers must offer including social security, unemployment insurance, workers compensation, and family and medical leave (unpaid). Even though this seems like quite a bit that must be given, it is very small compared to what other countries require of companies, especially in parts of Europe.
Emotional Hook
Benefits are such a tricky thing, offer to little and you will not be able to compete with other companies in recruiting. Offer to many and you may spend to much and go out of business.
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
There are many options with health insurance, how do companies choose what is best for them?
Retirement plans can be very complex and get very expensive.
Facilitative Questions
What are some of the legal issues surrounding benefits?
If you were an employer what would be the benefits you would offer?
What is the coolest benefit you could think of to offer?
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
March 2 Class Reflection
chapter 12 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
Chapter 12 continued the discussion on pay more in regards to incentive and bonus pay. Setting pay is often very complicated for HRM and owners but setting incentives and bonuses is often much harder. They must always weigh the pros and cons of using this type of pay as motivation while managing cost as well as ensuring the motivation is in the best interest of the company. Often incentive pay can encourage workers to get work done quickly and efficiently but the focus on customer service and quality may suffer. Along with bonus and incentive pay there are options for group bonuses, profit sharing, and stock options. Again with these options there are many pros and cons. The biggest thing is to consider how to get this type of pay to motivate employees to perform better in a way that will improve the profitability of the company as a whole. There are also concerns with ethics with executive bonus pay since they have the ability to manipulate the earnings and accounting documents to tell a story that could be better than it really was.
Emotional Hook
Every level of employee can be motivated by incentive pay but the same type pay will not work for every level of employee. Bonus pay that employees feel they have no control of is often viewed as not motivating and can actually be a waste of a company’s money since it does not lead to more productivity or efficiency.
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
Stock options can be good since it ties the employee to the performance of the company. However the profit is not realized for the employee until the stock it sold and that is often after they leave the company not while they are their contributing to the performance of it.
Pay for group performance can be good for rewarding a group for working together but it can also frustrate members of the group that feel that they did more or that a member of the group that did not participate gets the same bonus.
Although the balance scorecard often the most effective, it can also be the most work.
Facilitative Questions
What are some potential ethical issues with performance pay or stock options?
Who does a sales commissions pay structure work best for?
Monday, March 1, 2010
Feb 25th Class Reflection
- Pay and all the facets surrounding it.
- Legal Requirements
- Market Forces
- Organizational Goals
- Pay Level, Job Structure, Pay Structure Decisions
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Chapter 11 Discussion Topics
Chapter 11 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
Pay, such an important and complicated subject. You pay people too much and you may go out of business or not be competitive at all. Pay people too little and you may have a hard time getting good workers that will make you more competitive. It is also very interesting to think that even if you pay your employees what is fair they may not be view it as fair because they may know someone that does the same job somewhere else that makes more. It is also on the employer to help the employee understand and appreciate the pay they are receiving since they may not know if it is competitive or not. Although now there is so much information available on the Internet that employees can usually find out what the pay is for their position in other companies.
Emotional Hook
Pay is so complex that if a company does not have a good strategy and consistency they are destined to fail. If a company does not have a good strategy for pay then they will most likely not be able to make it.
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
There are many issues surrounding pay that have legal implications.
Even if pay is fair the employee may still not perceive it that way.
There are many ways to evaluate pay, choosing the best for your company is crucial.
Facilitative Questions
What is the difference between product and labor markets when it comes to determining pay?
Benchmarking is used in so many areas. How is it used it in evaluating pay?
What do you think of minimum wage, is it needed?
Monday, February 22, 2010
Feb 18th Class Reflection
- Personal Disposition
- Negative Affectivity
- Task and Roles
- Supervisors and Co-Workers
- Pay and Benefits
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Feb 16th Class Reflection
Monday, February 15, 2010
Feb 11th Class Reflection
Chapter 10 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
The most important part of discipline is being consistent and letting people know what is expected of them and what is not acceptable. Best thing to do is have a policy that says how discipline will be handled and use that every time. There is a big risk of lawsuit for wrongful termination so you must be careful as a company in this area. The three areas that must be considered for appropriate justice are Procedural Justice, Interactional Justice, and Outcome Fairness.
Emotional Hook
Companies are always trying to retain their best talent, but there are many things that may cause their best talent to withdraw from their job. Not only do you have to retain your best talent you also have to ensure their commitment to the company.
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
Having a job that is to easy for an employee can cause job withdrawal but a job that is too difficult can have the same affect.
There are many different ways to resolve disputes and companies should look at them to prevent costly lawsuits.
Notifying employees of layoff in advance is necessary in most situations, however these notifications can be more damaging than the actual layoff.
Facilitative Questions
Why is progressive discipline an important principle?
What are ways to manage voluntary and involuntary turnover?
What are the legal requirements for employee discipline?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Feb 9th Class Reflection
Chapter 9 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
I really liked this chapter. I think that business that take the time and spend the money to develop their employees really reap the benefits. Although just doing this to do it does not mean that it will be successful or beneficial, it must be planned and supported by the company. Especially when the company can help custom fit a program for their company, this is the most beneficial.
Emotional Hook
Many companies use pay as the biggest motivator, however studies have show that although money is the main reason people choose to work for a company, there are many other things a company can use for motivation. One of the best is having a development program that really helps the employees improve.
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
There are four steps in the career management process. How do they all fit together?
Mentoring is one of the most effective ways to develop employees but the hardest to manage effectively.
Enlargement of a job can be horizontal movement, promotion and demotion. What is the most effective?
Facilitative Questions
If you were the owner of a company what strategy would you use to develop your employees?
What do you feel is more effective Job Rotation or Job Enlargment?
Monday, February 8, 2010
Feb 4th Class Reflection
- Gather Feedback- Customers, Employee, Management
- Put into themes
- Monthly Planning Meeting
- Assign Projects
- Project Manager develop training content
- Project Manager presents training to upper management and training team.
- Project Manager presents training to broader management group.
- Training is implemented
- Post training analysis
Chapter 8 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
The whole process of performance management is rather complex and takes a lot of planning and work to pull off properly. There are many different strategies for doing a successful performance management system. Five criteria will help ensure this success; Fit with Strategy, Validity, Reliability, Acceptability, and Specific Feedback. There are also five basic approaches to take and the decision on which to use should be based on the job and company. Here are the approaches:
· Comparative
· Attributive
· Behavioral
· Results
· Quality
Emotional Hook
Performance reviews are often an awkward situation for both the manager and the employee. If not handled properly they can have more of a negative affect than positive. Why would this be the case?
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
Feedback is more effective the more specific it is. Why?
Ranking employees can be a good way to do reviews since it compares employees to their peers.
What good are reviews if they are not used to develop employees?
Facilitative Questions
What is 360-degree performance appraisal?
What method do you feel is more effective for rating, simple rating, forced-distribution, or paired-comparison method?
When conducting the feedback session which approach is best? Tell-and-Sell, Tell-and-Listen, or Problem-Solving.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Feb 2nd Class Reflection
Chapter 7 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
Training, Training, Training. There is so much more that goes into training in companies than I ever thought up. It all starts with analysis and seeing if and what type of training is needed. Once the company has established the need then it must be ready for the training. For the training to be successful the planning is the most important step. There is so much that must go into it, objectives must be defined, in house or contracted out, and the choice of training method. There are many different types of training methods and a company needs to choose which method works best for them. There can also be a combination of methods used. After planning the training it must be implemented and supported by the company and all managers and supervisors for it to be effective. Following the training there must also be evaluation of the training to see if it accomplished what it was meant to do and make changes if necessary.
Emotional Hook
Would you want to work for a company that was not willing to invest in its employees by offering further training and development of job skills? Is this important for you as an employee?
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
There are many different methods for training and selecting the right one for the right job is key.
Orientation and diversity training are very common type of trainings that company offer. Even though there is not a lot of evidence for diversity affecting behaviors. Why do they still offer them so often?
Facilitative Questions
What type of training is most effective for you?
What is the best training you have ever attended and why?
Do you feel that companies ever do trainings just to do them never knowing if they are effective and/or needed?
Monday, February 1, 2010
Jan 28th Class Reflection
- Skill Variety
- Task Identity
- Task Significance
- Autonomy
- Feedback-Reviews
Chapter 6 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
The entire chapter is all about how to select the right employee for the right decision. There are many different ways to qualify a person before you hire them but none that work in every situation. The most widely used step in the selection process is the interview. However interviews can be very subjective and the person conducting the interview may have biases that affect the interview. You must also remember that through the entire selection process you need to avoid discrimination. There are many things that you are not allowed to ask and methods you use must not be discriminatory to any particular group.
Emotional Hook
Most resumes only get looked at for a very short amount of time if at all. Why even spend the time putting one together? Resumes are usually used as a “foot in the door”. Many employer look over a resume for bits or pieces of information as well as a indicator of how good of a communicator you are.
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
Background checks can be done if an employee chooses to, however they can’t pick and choose whom they want to do one on. They must do them consistently.
Employment test are a great way to qualify potential candidates but the cost can be great to set-up and administer test. What are good ways to cut down the cost of these test?
Facilitative Questions
Is reliability and validity important in the strategy used for the selection process?
Why do employers have potential employees fill out applications?
When is it better to use a Physical Abilities test over a Cognitive Abilities test?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Chapter 5 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
This chapter struck home with me and was very interesting. In my current position I do a lot of recruiting and hiring new employees so it was interesting to read how companies do it and hopefully apply some of the stuff I have learned to do my job better. The first part was all about human resource planning and trying to forecast the right number of employees needed for the foreseeable future. This is very difficult to and the implications can be very drastic. If it is to high then there could be downsizing, if it is to low then the company’s production could suffer and cost go up.
The second section was the part on recruiting and finding new Human Resources. It was interesting to see that such a high percentage of people are hired either internally or by referrals. It was also kind of interesting that there are so little solid facts on the characteristics of recruiters and how it affects the success of recruiting.
Emotional Hook
Has someone trying to recruit you to work for their company ever approached you in the halls at school? How did you react and how could they have approached you differently?
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
If referrals are the most successful forms of recruiting how can a company leverage this even more?
Proper staffing levels are very important for every company but so hard to do accurately.
Even though overtime can cost a company more it is sometimes the best solution for staffing influxes.
Facilitative Questions
If you had to recruit 15 people for your current job where would you begin?
If your company needed to downsize in December and then March it needed to hire more, would you rather them bring in temp workers or outsource the work?
If you ran a company would you use more internal or external sources for filling positions?
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Jan 26th Class Reflection
Monday, January 25, 2010
Chapter 4 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
This chapter is all about job analysis and how to design work effectively. Job analysis can be a big part of HRM job and they can play a crucial role in not only analyzing but helping in designing and redesigning jobs. For a HRM to do this effectively they need to have a good understanding of the business as a whole. There are many methods to doing effective job analysis from questionnaires, to interviewing incumbents, and also government and industry resources.
Upon completion of a proper analysis, the company then needs to use this information to come up with job descriptions and job specifications. Once they have done this they need to continually update these and re-analyze the jobs to stay on top of changes. There should be a focus on increasing efficiency while still staying focused on keeping employee’s happy and motivated to do their job.
Emotional Hook
What if you had the opportunity to work from home and still make the same amount as you did by going to the office everyday? Would you do it and do you believe that you could remain as productive?
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
When analyzing a job you can rely on information from incumbents but it should not be your only source of information. Why?
When the focus is too much on making a job “easy” it can make it so the employee does not feel motivated. When a job is too complicated the employee may feel overwhelmed and quit. How do you find the middle ground?
Facilitative Questions
What is the difference between job enlargement and job enrichment?
What are some examples of “flexible work schedules”?
What does KSAOs stand for? Where is it used?
What does TDRs stand for? When is it used?
What are the three categories of inputs for companies?
Jan 21st Class Reflection
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Jan 19th Class Reflection
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Human Resource Article on Legal Concerns Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
The article I read was about a legal concern that is relatively new and becoming more and more prevalent. It involves the issues of drug use and abuse in the workplace. It is a very touchy subject that needs to be handled delicately, often employers have tried to help their employees with problems and it has backfired by them getting sued. The article goes over ways to protect yourself if you find yourself in a situation like this but overall it says to consult a HRM or an attorney to help come up with a company policy regarding the handling of drugs in the workplace.
Emotional Hook
One of your best employee’s comes to you and tells you he/she has a problem with drugs. How would you handle the situation?
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
Make sure that you do not try to play counselor if you find out that an employee has or potentially has a drug problem. This could put you in a bad situation and potential lawsuit if you handle it wrong.
The whole subject of drug abuse is very sticky and hard to approach. By even inquiring about a drug problem can get you in trouble for defamation and even worse if you talk to others about it to try and get information.
State laws are different on how you can conduct drug test and what you can and can’t do once you get the results.
Facilitative Questions
How would you approach an employee you suspect has a drug problem?
How can Human Resource Managers help in the situation of dugs in the workplace?
There are more and more cases of drug use in the workplace every year. What are contributing factors to this?
Article Details:
Title- Tread Carefully When Dealing With Troubled Employees
Abstract Author- Phillip M. Perry
Source- Health Facilities Management July 1995 Pg. 58-65 Vol. 8 No. 7
Monday, January 18, 2010
Chapter 3 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
Chapter 3 is all about the laws and enforcement of anti-discrimination laws and creating a safe workplace. Over the years there the workplace has been changing and the government has to continue to make laws to protect employees from discrimination. It becomes complicated to know all of the ins and outs of the laws and that is where a good HRM can come in. Not abiding by these laws can be very costly and possibly the cause of the company going out of business. Not only are there laws that are in place to protect employees from discrimination but there are also laws but in place to ensure workplace safety.
Emotional Hook
How would you feel if you applied at company that did work for the government and you were the most qualified applicant but you did not get the job because you were not a minority? There is a lot of controversy with affirmative action. The reason it was enacted was to ensure that women and minorities had more opportunity, but it has had some negative repercussions.
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
When the age discrimination in employment act was enacted, it was in an effort to stop employers from laying off their more senior employees as a way to cut cost. Since it was enacted some companies have come up with early retirement bonuses to have the same effect.
There are many laws that are put in place to ensure equal opportunities. There are also many companies hat have “figured out” that a diverse workforce can actually be very beneficial. How?
Facilitative Questions
What is your stance on affirmative action? What about when it involves specific quotas?
What branches of government are involved in laws regarding equal opportunities? How are each involved?
What are some basic ways that employers can avoid costly equal employment lawsuits?
Sunday, January 17, 2010
January 14th Class Reflection
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Steven “Mikey” Heinz Introduction
I was born February 14 1979 in Provo, UT at the UVRMC. I have 1 brother and 4 sisters and a huge extended family that mostly all live in Utah. I went to Cherry Hill Elementary and went through the Spanish emersion program which has helped through my whole life (being fluent in Spanish). I then went onto Lakeridge Junior High and finished up at Mountain View in 1997. I started going to UVSC in 1999 and obviously am still going. I took a few years off in between then and now but I am finally close to graduating (within the next year). I am a business management major and once I graduate I will most likely go on for an MBA.
I am married to a girl that I met in one of my classes at UVU in 2002. We got married in 2004 in November. We have a 2 year old son and another little boy on the way (due May 15th). We live in Provo in a house that we built last year. We plan on living in Utah for the rest of our lives and possibly our current house because of how much work we put into it.
I work at Pinnacle Security based out of Orem. I have worked for them since 2002; I started in Puerto Rico and spent 10 months down there. After I was done in PR I came home and started working at the corporate office. I am currently the Senior Vice President of installations and run the installation department. I love my job and I currently oversee 800+ technicians and over the past 7 years I have overseen over 3000 technicians. I am currently going to school to become more qualified with my current position. As the company continues to grow there is more and more that I need to do and know and school is really helping me. I love working with people and being able to help them achieve their goals.
I love the outdoors and sports. My favorites are snowboarding, wakeboarding, soccer, football, and working out. I just bought a boat so I can’t wait until the summer so I can use it. I get to travel a lot with work and really enjoy it. I travel more than 100 days a year and still try to go on vacation with my family when I can. I have been to most of the major cities in the US. I feel like I have lived a great life so far and look forward to my next 50 years (possibly more).
Chapter 2 Discussion Topics
Concept and Brief Description
Chapter 2 addresses many of the trends and issues that Human Resource Management deals with and can help overcome. It begins by discussing the changes in the labor force and what issues it can cause for organizations. Some of these issues are aging and the ever increasing diverse workforce and how businesses can leverage their HR departments to help manage these changes.
The next section covers the idea of High-Performance Work Systems, which is when a company combines its social and technical systems. HRM can help organizations achieve this by assisting in hiring the right people, training programs, and continued development of employees. Employers can also use Employee empowerment and teamwork to help achieve High-Performance Work Systems.
A business’s strategy can affect and be influenced greatly by HRM. Some strategies are to grow the company and others are to try and manage the cost. Strategies that can be used to grow the company are Mergers and Acquisitions, implementing Total Quality Management, International Expansion, and Outsourcing. Downsizing and Reengineering can be the strategies to try and manage costs.
The last two sections are all about improving efficiencies and accessibility for HR activities by using technology and also helping companies manage employment relationships.
Emotional Hook
How would you feel if all of your personal information was available on the Internet for all to see, and your company put it there? It is very important as HRM move to more information over the Internet to secure this information by securing access either through only allowing it on the company Intranet or a web portal.
Key Points to Elicit in Discussion
There are many issues surrounding international labor, from companies hiring illegal immigrants to outsourcing jobs to places that will do them for cheaper than Americans. Although hiring illegal immigrants is against the law, there is nothing illegal about outsourcing.
Facilitative Questions
How do you feel about outsourcing of potential American jobs?
Do you think the move to more flexible schedules and the different type of employees, like independent contractors and temporary workers, is good for business and the employees?